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Top / crosh
the Chrome OS developer shell
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Welcome to crosh, the Chrome OS developer shell. If you got here by mistake, don't panic! Just close this tab and carry on. Type 'help' for a list of commands. crosh> help exit Exit crosh. help Display this help. help_advanced Display the help for more advanced commands, mainly used for debugging. ping [-c count] [-i interval] [-n] [-s packetsize] [-W waittime] <destination> Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to a network host. If <destination> is "gw" then the next hop gateway for the default route is used. top Run top. packet_capture [ --device <device> ] [ --frequency <frequency> ] [ --ht-location <above|below> ] [ --monitor-connection-on <monitored_device> ] Start packet capture. Start a device-based capture on <device>, or do an over-the-air capture on <frequency> with an optionally provided HT channel location. An over-the-air capture can also be initiated using the channel parameters of a currently connected <monitored_device>. Note that over-the-air captures are not available with all 802.11 devices. shell Open a command line shell. systrace [<start | stop | status>] Start/stop system tracing. Turning tracing off will generate a trace log file in the Downloads directory with all the events collected since the last time tracing was enabled. One can control the events collected by specifying categories after "start"; e.g. "start gfx" will collect only graphics-related system events. "systrace status" (or just "systrace") will display the current state of tracing, including the set of events being traced. crosh> help_advanced battery_firmware <info|check|update> info : query battery info check : checks AC Adapter is connnected or not. also checks the battery firmware is the latest or not. update : trigger battery firmware update battery_test [<test length>] Tests battery discharge rate for given number of seconds. Without an argument, defaults to 300 seconds. bt_console [<agent capability>] Enters a Bluetooth debugging console. Optional argument specifies the capability of a pairing agent the console will provide; see the Bluetooth Core specification for valid options. chaps_debug [start|stop|<log_level>] Sets the chapsd logging level. No arguments will start verbose logging. connectivity Shows connectivity status. "connectivity help" for more details ff_debug [<tag_expr>] [--help] [--list_valid_tags] [--reset] Add and remove flimflam debugging tags. inputcontrol Manually adjust advanced touchpad and mouse settings. Run "inputcontrol -h" for full list of options. memory_test Performs extensive memory testing on the available free memory. modem <command> [args...] Interact with the 3G modem. Run "modem help" for detailed help. modem_set_carrier carrier-name Configures the modem for the specified carrier. network_diag [--date] [--flimflam] [--link] [--show-macs] [--wifi] [--help] [--wifi-mon] <host> A function that performs a suite of network diagnostics. Saves a copy of the output to your download directory. network_logging <wifi | cellular | ethernet> A function that enables a predefined set of tags useful for debugging the specified device. p2p_update [enable|disable] Enables or disables the peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing of updates over the local network. This will both, attempt to get updates from other peers in the network and share the downloaded updates with them. Run this command without arguments to see the current state. rlz < status | enable | disable > Enable or disable RLZ. rollback Attempt to rollback to the previous update cached on your system. Only available on non-stable channels and non-enterprise enrolled devices. Please note that this will powerwash your device. route [-6] Display the routing tables. set_apn [-n <network-id>] [-u <username>] [-p <password>] <apn> Set the APN to use when connecting to the network specified by <network-id>. If <network-id> is not specified, use the network-id of the currently registered network. set_apn -c Clear the APN to be used, so that the default APN will be used instead. set_arpgw <true | false> Turn on extra network state checking to make sure the default gateway is reachable. set_cellular_ppp [-u <username>] [-p <password>] Set the PPP username and/or password for an existing cellular connection. If neither -u nor -p is provided, show the existing PPP username for the cellular connection. set_cellular_ppp -c Clear any existing PPP username and PPP password for an existing cellular connection. set_time [<time string>] Sets the system time if the the system has been unable to get it from the network. The <time string> uses the format of the GNU coreutils date command. set_wake_on_lan <true | false> Enable or disable Wake on LAN for Ethernet devices. This command takes effect after re-connecting to Ethernet and is not persistent across system restarts. storage_test_1 Performs a short offline SMART test. storage_test_2 Performs an extensive readability test. syslog <message> Logs a message to syslog. time_info Returns the current synchronization state for the time service. tpm_status Prints TPM status information. tracepath [-n] <destination>[/port] Trace the path/route to a network host. update_over_cellular [enable|disable] Enables or disables the auto updates over cellular networks. Run without arguments to see the current state. upload_crashes Uploads available crash reports to the crash server. upload_devcoredumps [enable|disable] Enable or disable the upload of devcoredump reports. wpa_debug [<debug_level>] [--help] [--list_valid_level] [--reset] Set wpa_supplicant debugging level.