最終更新:2012-10-29 (月) 17:23:53 (4288d)  

eBay Open Source
Top / eBay Open Source




  • A comprehensive, policy-driven SOA platform that you can use to develop, deploy, secure, run and monitor SOA services and consumers. It is a Java based platform, follows the core standards (WSDL, SOAP, XML, JSON, XACML?, REST, etc.) and supports a variety of protocols and data formats. The included Eclipse plugins help with the development of services and consumers.

VJET JavaScript IDE?

  • VJET JavaScript IDE is an Eclipse plug-in that provides a fully integrated development environment for JavaScript - from authoring, validation, to execution/test, and debugging.


  • ql.io is a declarative, data-retrieval and aggregation gateway for quickly consuming HTTP APIs. ql.io combines SQL, JSON, and a few procedural style constructs into a compact language. Scripts written in this language can make HTTP requests to retrieve data, perform joins between API responses, project responses, or even make requests in a loop.
