最終更新:2023-10-26 (木) 05:48:09 (275d)  

Top / journalctl



  • journalctl [OPTIONS...] [MATCHES...]
    Query the journal.
         --system                Show the system journal
         --user                  Show the user journal for the current user
      -M --machine=CONTAINER     Operate on local container
      -S --since=DATE            Show entries not older than the specified date
      -U --until=DATE            Show entries not newer than the specified date
      -c --cursor=CURSOR         Show entries starting at the specified cursor
         --after-cursor=CURSOR   Show entries after the specified cursor
         --show-cursor           Print the cursor after all the entries
         --cursor-file=FILE      Show entries after cursor in FILE and update FILE
      -b --boot[=ID]             Show current boot or the specified boot
         --list-boots            Show terse information about recorded boots
      -k --dmesg                 Show kernel message log from the current boot
      -u --unit=UNIT             Show logs from the specified unit
         --user-unit=UNIT        Show logs from the specified user unit
      -t --identifier=STRING     Show entries with the specified syslog identifier
      -p --priority=RANGE        Show entries with the specified priority
         --facility=FACILITY...  Show entries with the specified facilities
      -g --grep=PATTERN          Show entries with MESSAGE matching PATTERN
         --case-sensitive[=BOOL] Force case sensitive or insensitive matching
      -e --pager-end             Immediately jump to the end in the pager
      -f --follow                Follow the journal
      -n --lines[=INTEGER]       Number of journal entries to show
         --no-tail               Show all lines, even in follow mode
      -r --reverse               Show the newest entries first
      -o --output=STRING         Change journal output mode (short, short-precise,
                                   short-iso, short-iso-precise, short-full,
                                   short-monotonic, short-unix, verbose, export,
                                   json, json-pretty, json-sse, json-seq, cat,
         --output-fields=LIST    Select fields to print in verbose/export/json modes
         --utc                   Express time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
      -x --catalog               Add message explanations where available
         --no-full               Ellipsize fields
      -a --all                   Show all fields, including long and unprintable
      -q --quiet                 Do not show info messages and privilege warning
         --no-pager              Do not pipe output into a pager
         --no-hostname           Suppress output of hostname field
      -m --merge                 Show entries from all available journals
      -D --directory=PATH        Show journal files from directory
         --file=PATH             Show journal file
         --root=ROOT             Operate on files below a root directory
         --image=IMAGE           Operate on files in filesystem image
         --namespace=NAMESPACE   Show journal data from specified namespace
         --interval=TIME         Time interval for changing the FSS sealing key
         --verify-key=KEY        Specify FSS verification key
         --force                 Override of the FSS key pair with --setup-keys
      -h --help                  Show this help text
         --version               Show package version
      -N --fields                List all field names currently used
      -F --field=FIELD           List all values that a specified field takes
         --disk-usage            Show total disk usage of all journal files
         --vacuum-size=BYTES     Reduce disk usage below specified size
         --vacuum-files=INT      Leave only the specified number of journal files
         --vacuum-time=TIME      Remove journal files older than specified time
         --verify                Verify journal file consistency
         --sync                  Synchronize unwritten journal messages to disk
         --relinquish-var        Stop logging to disk, log to temporary file system
         --smart-relinquish-var  Similar, but NOP if log directory is on root mount
         --flush                 Flush all journal data from /run into /var
         --rotate                Request immediate rotation of the journal files
         --header                Show journal header information
         --list-catalog          Show all message IDs in the catalog
         --dump-catalog          Show entries in the message catalog
         --update-catalog        Update the message catalog database
         --setup-keys            Generate a new FSS key pair
    See the journalctl(1) man page for details.

