最終更新:2024-11-03 (日) 02:56:43 (6d)  

Top / systemctl

Control the systemd system and service manager

systemctl [OPTIONS...] COMMAND [NAME...]
systemctl (start|stop) httpd.service
systemctl (enable|disable) httpd.service





  • インストールするとサービスは起動するが自動起動の設定はされない
  • systemctl enable
  • systemctl disable?





systemctl -at service

  • システムのサービスユニットを確認する


Ubuntu 15.04

CentOS 7


  • # systemctl start httpd                   //Apache起動
    # systemctl enable httpd                  //Apacheの自動起動設定 
    # systemctl list-unit-files | grep httpd  //自動起動設定を確認
    # systemctl restart httpd                 //再起動
    # systemctl status httpd                  //ステータス確認

chkconfig --list

  • # systemctl list-unit-files -t service    //自動起動の一覧表示する

Ubuntu 16.04

  • UNIT FILE                                  STATE   
    accounts-daemon.service                    enabled 
    acpid.service                              disabled
    alsa-restore.service                       static  
    alsa-state.service                         static  
    alsa-utils.service                         masked  
    anacron-resume.service                     enabled 
    anacron.service                            enabled 
    apport-forward@.service                    static  
    apt-daily.service                          static  
    autovt@.service                            enabled 
    avahi-daemon.service                       enabled 
    bluetooth.service                          enabled 
    bootlogd.service                           masked  
    bootlogs.service                           masked  
    bootmisc.service                           masked  
    brltty-udev.service                        static  
    brltty.service                             enabled 
    checkfs.service                            masked  
    checkroot-bootclean.service                masked  
    checkroot.service                          masked  
    colord.service                             static  
    console-getty.service                      disabled
    console-setup.service                      static  
    console-shell.service                      disabled
    container-getty@.service                   static  
    cron.service                               enabled 
    cryptdisks-early.service                   masked  
    cryptdisks.service                         masked  
    cups-browsed.service                       enabled 
    cups.service                               enabled 
    dbus-org.bluez.service                     enabled 
    dbus-org.freedesktop.Avahi.service         enabled 
    dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service     static  
    dbus-org.freedesktop.locale1.service       static  
    dbus-org.freedesktop.login1.service        static  
    dbus-org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.service enabled 
    dbus-org.freedesktop.network1.service      disabled
    dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service enabled 
    dbus-org.freedesktop.resolve1.service      disabled
    dbus-org.freedesktop.thermald.service      enabled 
    dbus-org.freedesktop.timedate1.service     static  
    dbus.service                               static  
    debug-shell.service                        disabled
    display-manager.service                    enabled 
    dns-clean.service                          enabled 
    emergency.service                          static  
    failsafe-x.service                         static  
    friendly-recovery.service                  enabled 
    fuse.service                               masked  
    fwupd-offline-update.service               static  
    fwupd.service                              static  
    fwupdate-cleanup.service                   static  
    getty-static.service                       static  
    getty@.service                             enabled 
    gpu-manager.service                        enabled 
    halt.service                               masked  
    hostname.service                           masked  
    hwclock.service                            masked  
    ifup@.service                              static  
    initrd-cleanup.service                     static  
    initrd-parse-etc.service                   static  
    initrd-switch-root.service                 static  
    initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service          static  
    kerneloops.service                         disabled
    keyboard-setup.service                     disabled



  • systemctl [OPTIONS...] COMMAND ...
    Query or send control commands to the system manager.
    Unit Commands:
      list-units [PATTERN...]             List units currently in memory
      list-sockets [PATTERN...]           List socket units currently in memory,
                                          ordered by address
      list-timers [PATTERN...]            List timer units currently in memory,
                                          ordered by next elapse
      is-active PATTERN...                Check whether units are active
      is-failed PATTERN...                Check whether units are failed
      status [PATTERN...|PID...]          Show runtime status of one or more units
      show [PATTERN...|JOB...]            Show properties of one or more
                                          units/jobs or the manager
      cat PATTERN...                      Show files and drop-ins of specified units
      help PATTERN...|PID...              Show manual for one or more units
      list-dependencies [UNIT...]         Recursively show units which are required
                                          or wanted by the units or by which those
                                          units are required or wanted
      start UNIT...                       Start (activate) one or more units
      stop UNIT...                        Stop (deactivate) one or more units
      reload UNIT...                      Reload one or more units
      restart UNIT...                     Start or restart one or more units
      try-restart UNIT...                 Restart one or more units if active
      reload-or-restart UNIT...           Reload one or more units if possible,
                                          otherwise start or restart
      try-reload-or-restart UNIT...       If active, reload one or more units,
                                          if supported, otherwise restart
      isolate UNIT                        Start one unit and stop all others
      kill UNIT...                        Send signal to processes of a unit
      clean UNIT...                       Clean runtime, cache, state, logs or
                                          configuration of unit
      freeze PATTERN...                   Freeze execution of unit processes
      thaw PATTERN...                     Resume execution of a frozen unit
      set-property UNIT PROPERTY=VALUE... Sets one or more properties of a unit
      bind UNIT PATH [PATH]               Bind-mount a path from the host into a
                                          unit's namespace
      mount-image UNIT PATH [PATH [OPTS]] Mount an image from the host into a
                                          unit's namespace
      service-log-level SERVICE [LEVEL]   Get/set logging threshold for service
      service-log-target SERVICE [TARGET] Get/set logging target for service
      reset-failed [PATTERN...]           Reset failed state for all, one, or more
    Unit File Commands:
      list-unit-files [PATTERN...]        List installed unit files
      enable [UNIT...|PATH...]            Enable one or more unit files
      disable UNIT...                     Disable one or more unit files
      reenable UNIT...                    Reenable one or more unit files
      preset UNIT...                      Enable/disable one or more unit files
                                          based on preset configuration
      preset-all                          Enable/disable all unit files based on
                                          preset configuration
      is-enabled UNIT...                  Check whether unit files are enabled
      mask UNIT...                        Mask one or more units
      unmask UNIT...                      Unmask one or more units
      link PATH...                        Link one or more units files into
                                          the search path
      revert UNIT...                      Revert one or more unit files to vendor
      add-wants TARGET UNIT...            Add 'Wants' dependency for the target
                                          on specified one or more units
      add-requires TARGET UNIT...         Add 'Requires' dependency for the target
                                          on specified one or more units
      edit UNIT...                        Edit one or more unit files
      get-default                         Get the name of the default target
      set-default TARGET                  Set the default target
    Machine Commands:
      list-machines [PATTERN...]          List local containers and host
    Job Commands:
      list-jobs [PATTERN...]              List jobs
      cancel [JOB...]                     Cancel all, one, or more jobs
    Environment Commands:
      show-environment                    Dump environment
      set-environment VARIABLE=VALUE...   Set one or more environment variables
      unset-environment VARIABLE...       Unset one or more environment variables
      import-environment VARIABLE...      Import all or some environment variables
    Manager State Commands:
      daemon-reload                       Reload systemd manager configuration
      daemon-reexec                       Reexecute systemd manager
      log-level [LEVEL]                   Get/set logging threshold for manager
      log-target [TARGET]                 Get/set logging target for manager
      service-watchdogs [BOOL]            Get/set service watchdog state
    System Commands:
      is-system-running                   Check whether system is fully running
      default                             Enter system default mode
      rescue                              Enter system rescue mode
      emergency                           Enter system emergency mode
      halt                                Shut down and halt the system
      poweroff                            Shut down and power-off the system
      reboot                              Shut down and reboot the system
      kexec                               Shut down and reboot the system with kexec
      exit [EXIT_CODE]                    Request user instance or container exit
      switch-root ROOT [INIT]             Change to a different root file system
      suspend                             Suspend the system
      hibernate                           Hibernate the system
      hybrid-sleep                        Hibernate and suspend the system
      suspend-then-hibernate              Suspend the system, wake after a period of
                                          time, and hibernate
      -h --help              Show this help
         --version           Show package version
         --system            Connect to system manager
         --user              Connect to user service manager
      -H --host=[USER@]HOST  Operate on remote host
      -M --machine=CONTAINER Operate on a local container
      -t --type=TYPE         List units of a particular type
         --state=STATE       List units with particular LOAD or SUB or ACTIVE state
         --failed            Shortcut for --state=failed
      -p --property=NAME     Show only properties by this name
      -P NAME                Equivalent to --value --property=NAME
      -a --all               Show all properties/all units currently in memory,
                             including dead/empty ones. To list all units installed
                             on the system, use 'list-unit-files' instead.
      -l --full              Don't ellipsize unit names on output
      -r --recursive         Show unit list of host and local containers
         --reverse           Show reverse dependencies with 'list-dependencies'
         --with-dependencies Show unit dependencies with 'status', 'cat',
                             'list-units', and 'list-unit-files'.
         --job-mode=MODE     Specify how to deal with already queued jobs, when
                             queueing a new job
      -T --show-transaction  When enqueuing a unit job, show full transaction
         --show-types        When showing sockets, explicitly show their type
         --value             When showing properties, only print the value
                             Specify if checking inhibitors before shutting down,
                             sleeping or hibernating
      -i                     Shortcut for --check-inhibitors=no
         --kill-who=WHO      Whom to send signal to
      -s --signal=SIGNAL     Which signal to send
         --what=RESOURCES    Which types of resources to remove
         --now               Start or stop unit after enabling or disabling it
         --dry-run           Only print what would be done
                             Currently supported by verbs: halt, poweroff, reboot,
                                 kexec, suspend, hibernate, suspend-then-hibernate,
                                 hybrid-sleep, default, rescue, emergency, and exit.
      -q --quiet             Suppress output
         --wait              For (re)start, wait until service stopped again
                             For is-system-running, wait until startup is completed
         --no-block          Do not wait until operation finished
         --no-wall           Don't send wall message before halt/power-off/reboot
         --no-reload         Don't reload daemon after en-/dis-abling unit files
         --legend=BOOL       Enable/disable the legend (column headers and hints)
         --no-pager          Do not pipe output into a pager
         --no-ask-password   Do not ask for system passwords
         --global            Enable/disable/mask default user unit files globally
         --runtime           Enable/disable/mask unit files temporarily until next
      -f --force             When enabling unit files, override existing symlinks
                             When shutting down, execute action immediately
         --preset-mode=      Apply only enable, only disable, or all presets
         --root=PATH         Enable/disable/mask unit files in the specified root
      -n --lines=INTEGER     Number of journal entries to show
      -o --output=STRING     Change journal output mode (short, short-precise,
                                 short-iso, short-iso-precise, short-full,
                                 short-monotonic, short-unix,
                                 verbose, export, json, json-pretty, json-sse, cat)
         --firmware-setup    Tell the firmware to show the setup menu on next boot
                             Boot into boot loader menu on next boot
                             Boot into a specific boot loader entry on next boot
         --plain             Print unit dependencies as a list instead of a tree
         --timestamp=FORMAT  Change format of printed timestamps.
                             'pretty' (default): 'Day YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS TZ
                             'us': 'Day YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.UUUUUU TZ
                             'utc': 'Day YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS UTC
                             'us+utc': 'Day YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.UUUUUU UTC
         --read-only         Create read-only bind mount
         --mkdir             Create directory before mounting, if missing
         --marked            Restart/reload previously marked units
    See the systemctl(1) man page for details.

