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  • レポートディスクリプタ(キーボード) - USB Device Tree Viewerで表示
    05 01             Usage Page (Generic Desktop Controls)
    09 06             Usage (Keyboard)
    A1 01             Collection (Application)
    05 07               Usage Page (Keyboard)
    19 E0               Usage Minimum (-32)
    29 E7               Usage Maximum (-25)
    15 00               Logical Minimum (0)
    25 01               Logical Maximum (1)
    95 08               Report Count (8)
    75 01               Report Size (1)
    81 02               Input (Var)
    95 08               Report Count (8)
    75 01               Report Size (1)
    81 01               Input (Const)
    05 08               Usage Page (LEDs)
    19 01               Usage Minimum (1)
    29 03               Usage Maximum (3)
    95 03               Report Count (3)
    75 01               Report Size (1)
    91 02               Output (Var)
    95 01               Report Count (1)
    75 05               Report Size (5)
    91 01               Output (Const)
    05 07               Usage Page (Keyboard)
    19 00               Usage Minimum (0)
    2A FF 00            Usage Maximum (255)
    15 00               Logical Minimum (0)
    26 FF 00            Logical Maximum (255)
    95 06               Report Count (6)
    75 08               Report Size (8)
    81 00               Input ()
    C0                End Collection
  • レポートディスクリプタ(トラックポイント)
    05 01             Usage Page (Generic Desktop Controls)
    09 02             Usage (Mouse)
    A1 01             Collection (Application)
    85 01               Report ID (0x01)
    09 01               Usage (Pointer)
    A1 00               Collection (Physical)
    05 09                 Usage Page (Buttons)
    19 01                 Usage Minimum (1)
    29 03                 Usage Maximum (3)
    15 00                 Logical Minimum (0)
    25 01                 Logical Maximum (1)
    95 03                 Report Count (3)
    75 01                 Report Size (1)
    81 02                 Input (Var)
    95 01                 Report Count (1)
    75 05                 Report Size (5)
    81 01                 Input (Const)
    05 01                 Usage Page (Generic Desktop Controls)
    09 30                 Usage (Direction-X)
    09 31                 Usage (Direction-Y)
    15 81                 Logical Minimum (-127)
    25 7F                 Logical Maximum (127)
    95 02                 Report Count (2)
    75 08                 Report Size (8)
    81 06                 Input (Var, Rel)
    C0                  End Collection
    C0                End Collection
    05 01             Usage Page (Generic Desktop Controls)
    09 80             Usage (System Control)
    A1 01             Collection (Application)
    85 02               Report ID (0x02)
    05 01               Usage Page (Generic Desktop Controls)
    15 00               Logical Minimum (0)
    25 01               Logical Maximum (1)
    95 08               Report Count (8)
    75 01               Report Size (1)
    19 81               Usage Minimum (-127)
    29 88               Usage Maximum (-120)
    81 02               Input (Var)
    C0                End Collection
    05 0C             Usage Page (Consumer)
    09 01             Usage (Consumer Control)
    A1 01             Collection (Application)
    85 03               Report ID (0x03)
    95 08               Report Count (8)
    75 01               Report Size (1)
    15 00               Logical Minimum (0)
    25 01               Logical Maximum (1)
    09 E9               Usage (Volume Increment)
    09 EA               Usage (Volume Decrement)
    09 E2               Usage (Mute)
    09 B7               Usage (Stop)
    09 CD               Usage (Play/Pause)
    09 B5               Usage (Scan Next Track)
    09 B6               Usage (Scan Previous Track)
    0A 94 01            Usage (AL Local Machine Browser)
    81 02               Input (Var)
    09 03               Usage (Programmable Buttons)
    A1 02               Collection (Logical)
    05 09                 Usage Page (Buttons)
    19 10                 Usage Minimum (16)
    29 17                 Usage Maximum (23)
    81 02                 Input (Var)
    05 09                 Usage Page (Buttons)
    19 18                 Usage Minimum (24)
    29 1F                 Usage Maximum (31)
    81 02                 Input (Var)
    C0                  End Collection
    05 08               Usage Page (LEDs)
    95 02               Report Count (2)
    09 09               Usage (Mute)
    09 21               Usage (Microphone)
    91 02               Output (Var)
    95 01               Report Count (1)
    75 06               Report Size (6)
    91 03               Output (Const, Var)
    C0                End Collection
    06 01 FF          Usage Page (unk)
    09 01             Usage (0x01)
    A1 01             Collection (Application)
    85 04               Report ID (0x04)
    95 01               Report Count (1)
    75 08               Report Size (8)
    15 00               Logical Minimum (0)
    26 FF 00            Logical Maximum (255)
    09 20               Usage (0x20)
    B1 03               Feature (Const, Var)
    09 21               Usage (0x21)
    B1 03               Feature (Const, Var)
    09 22               Usage (0x22)
    B1 03               Feature (Const, Var)
    09 23               Usage (0x23)
    B1 03               Feature (Const, Var)
    C0                End Collection


USB Device Tree Viewer

  •     =========================== USB Port1 ===========================
    Connection Status        : Device is connected
    Port Chain               : 3-1-1
          ======================== USB Device ========================
            +++++++++++++++++ Device Information ++++++++++++++++++
    Device Description       : USB Composite Device
    Device ID                : USB\VID_17EF&PID_6009\6&2824289&0&1
    Driver KeyName           : {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}\0106 (GUID_DEVCLASS_USB)
    Driver                   : C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\usbccgp.sys (Version: 6.1.7601.18328  Date: 2013-11-27)
    Legacy BusType           : PNPBus
    Class                    : USB
    Service                  : usbccgp
    Enumerator               : USB
    Location Info            : Port_#0001.Hub_#0003
    Location IDs             : PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1A00)#USBROOT(0)#USB(1)#USB(1)
    Container ID             : {1da05ce2-6daf-11e3-8c94-003067e50cb1}
    Manufacturer Info        : (標準 USB ホスト コントローラー)
    Capabilities             : Removable, SurpriseRemovalOK
    Address                  : 1
    Problem Code             : 0
    Power State              : D0 (supported: D0, D1, D2, D3, wake from D0, wake from D1, wake from D2)
     Child Device 1          : USB 入力デバイス
      Device ID              : USB\VID_17EF&PID_6009&MI_01\7&20162644&0&0001
      Class                  : HIDClass
       Child Device 1        : ThinkPad USB TrackPoint
        Device ID            : HID\VID_17EF&PID_6009&MI_01&COL01\8&397FC5E0&0&0000
        Class                : Mouse
       Child Device 2        : HID 準拠デバイス
        Device ID            : HID\VID_17EF&PID_6009&MI_01&COL04\8&397FC5E0&0&0003
        Class                : HIDClass
       Child Device 3        : HID 準拠コンシューマー制御デバイス
        Device ID            : HID\VID_17EF&PID_6009&MI_01&COL03\8&397FC5E0&0&0002
        Class                : HIDClass
       Child Device 4        : HID 準拠デバイス
        Device ID            : HID\VID_17EF&PID_6009&MI_01&COL02\8&397FC5E0&0&0001
        Class                : HIDClass
     Child Device 2          : USB 入力デバイス
      Device ID              : USB\VID_17EF&PID_6009&MI_00\7&20162644&0&0000
      Class                  : HIDClass
       Child Device 1        : ThinkPad USB Keyboard with TrackPoint
        Device ID            : HID\VID_17EF&PID_6009&MI_00\8&15A8881E&0&0000
        Class                : Keyboard
            ---------------- Connection Information ---------------
    Connection Index         : 0x01
    Connection Status        : 0x01 (DeviceConnected)
    Current Config Value     : 0x01
    Device Address           : 0x02
    Is Hub                   : 0x00 (no)
    Number Of Open Pipes     : 0x02 (2)
    Device Bus Speed         : 0x00 (Low-Speed)
    Pipe0ScheduleOffset      : 0x00 (0)
    Pipe1ScheduleOffset      : 0x01 (1)
            ------------------ Device Descriptor ------------------
    bLength                  : 0x12 (18 bytes)
    bDescriptorType          : 0x01 (Device Descriptor)
    bcdUSB                   : 0x110 (USB Version 1.10)
    bDeviceClass             : 0x00 (defined by the interface descriptors)
    bDeviceSubClass          : 0x00
    bDeviceProtocol          : 0x00
    bMaxPacketSize0          : 0x08 (8 bytes)
    idVendor                 : 0x17EF (Lenovo)
    idProduct                : 0x6009
    bcdDevice                : 0x127
    iManufacturer            : 0x01
     Language 0x0409         : "Lite-On Technology Corp."
    iProduct                 : 0x02
     Language 0x0409         : "ThinkPad USB Keyboard with TrackPoint"
    iSerialNumber            : 0x00
    bNumConfigurations       : 0x01
    Data (HexDump)           : 12 01 10 01 00 00 00 08 EF 17 09 60 27 01 01 02 
                               00 01 
            -------------- Configuration Descriptor ---------------
    bLength                  : 0x09 (9 bytes)
    bDescriptorType          : 0x02 (Configuration Descriptor)
    wTotalLength             : 0x003B (59 bytes)
    bNumInterfaces           : 0x02
    bConfigurationValue      : 0x01
    iConfiguration           : 0x00
    bmAttributes             : 0xA0 (Bus Powered, Remote Wakeup)
    MaxPower                 : 0x32 (100 mA)
    Data (HexDump)           : 09 02 3B 00 02 01 00 A0 32 09 04 00 00 01 03 01 
                               01 00 09 21 10 01 00 01 22 41 00 07 05 81 03 08 
                               00 0A 09 04 01 00 01 03 00 00 00 09 21 10 01 00 
                               01 22 B9 00 07 05 82 03 08 00 0A 
            ---------------- Interface Descriptor -----------------
    bLength                  : 0x09 (9 bytes)
    bDescriptorType          : 0x04 (Interface Descriptor)
    bInterfaceNumber         : 0x00
    bAlternateSetting        : 0x00
    bNumEndpoints            : 0x01
    bInterfaceClass          : 0x03 (HID - Human Interface Device)
    bInterfaceSubClass       : 0x01 (Boot Interface)
    bInterfaceProtocol       : 0x01 (Keyboard)
    iInterface               : 0x00
    Data (HexDump)           : 09 04 00 00 01 03 01 01 00 
            ------------------- HID Descriptor --------------------
    bLength                  : 0x09 (9 bytes)
    bDescriptorType          : 0x21 (HID Descriptor)
    bcdHID                   : 0x0110 (HID Version 1.10)
    bCountryCode             : 0x00 (00 = not localized)
    bNumDescriptors          : 0x01
    Data (HexDump)           : 09 21 10 01 00 01 22 41 00 
    Descriptor 1:
    bDescriptorType          : 0x22 (Class=Report)
    wDescriptorLength        : 0x0041 (65 bytes)
      05 01             Usage Page (Generic Desktop Controls)
      09 06             Usage (Keyboard)
      A1 01             Collection (Application)
      05 07               Usage Page (Keyboard)
      19 E0               Usage Minimum (-32)
      29 E7               Usage Maximum (-25)
      15 00               Logical Minimum (0)
      25 01               Logical Maximum (1)
      95 08               Report Count (8)
      75 01               Report Size (1)
      81 02               Input (Var)
      95 08               Report Count (8)
      75 01               Report Size (1)
      81 01               Input (Const)
      05 08               Usage Page (LEDs)
      19 01               Usage Minimum (1)
      29 03               Usage Maximum (3)
      95 03               Report Count (3)
      75 01               Report Size (1)
      91 02               Output (Var)
      95 01               Report Count (1)
      75 05               Report Size (5)
      91 01               Output (Const)
      05 07               Usage Page (Keyboard)
      19 00               Usage Minimum (0)
      2A FF 00            Usage Maximum (255)
      15 00               Logical Minimum (0)
      26 FF 00            Logical Maximum (255)
      95 06               Report Count (6)
      75 08               Report Size (8)
      81 00               Input ()
      C0                End Collection
    Data (HexDump)           : 05 01 09 06 A1 01 05 07 19 E0 29 E7 15 00 25 01 
                               95 08 75 01 81 02 95 08 75 01 81 01 05 08 19 01 
                               29 03 95 03 75 01 91 02 95 01 75 05 91 01 05 07 
                               19 00 2A FF 00 15 00 26 FF 00 95 06 75 08 81 00 
            ----------------- Endpoint Descriptor -----------------
    bLength                  : 0x07 (7 bytes)
    bDescriptorType          : 0x05 (Endpoint Descriptor)
    bEndpointAddress         : 0x81 (Direction=IN  EndpointID=1)
    bmAttributes             : 0x03 (TransferType=Interrupt)
    wMaxPacketSize           : 0x08
    bInterval                : 0x0A (10 ms)
    Data (HexDump)           : 07 05 81 03 08 00 0A 
            ---------------- Interface Descriptor -----------------
    bLength                  : 0x09 (9 bytes)
    bDescriptorType          : 0x04 (Interface Descriptor)
    bInterfaceNumber         : 0x01
    bAlternateSetting        : 0x00
    bNumEndpoints            : 0x01
    bInterfaceClass          : 0x03 (HID - Human Interface Device)
    bInterfaceSubClass       : 0x00 (None)
    bInterfaceProtocol       : 0x00 (None)
    iInterface               : 0x00
    Data (HexDump)           : 09 04 01 00 01 03 00 00 00 
            ------------------- HID Descriptor --------------------
    bLength                  : 0x09 (9 bytes)
    bDescriptorType          : 0x21 (HID Descriptor)
    bcdHID                   : 0x0110 (HID Version 1.10)
    bCountryCode             : 0x00 (00 = not localized)
    bNumDescriptors          : 0x01
    Data (HexDump)           : 09 21 10 01 00 01 22 B9 00 
    Descriptor 1:
    bDescriptorType          : 0x22 (Class=Report)
    wDescriptorLength        : 0x00B9 (185 bytes)
      05 01             Usage Page (Generic Desktop Controls)
      09 02             Usage (Mouse)
      A1 01             Collection (Application)
      85 01               Report ID (0x01)
      09 01               Usage (Pointer)
      A1 00               Collection (Physical)
      05 09                 Usage Page (Buttons)
      19 01                 Usage Minimum (1)
      29 03                 Usage Maximum (3)
      15 00                 Logical Minimum (0)
      25 01                 Logical Maximum (1)
      95 03                 Report Count (3)
      75 01                 Report Size (1)
      81 02                 Input (Var)
      95 01                 Report Count (1)
      75 05                 Report Size (5)
      81 01                 Input (Const)
      05 01                 Usage Page (Generic Desktop Controls)
      09 30                 Usage (Direction-X)
      09 31                 Usage (Direction-Y)
      15 81                 Logical Minimum (-127)
      25 7F                 Logical Maximum (127)
      95 02                 Report Count (2)
      75 08                 Report Size (8)
      81 06                 Input (Var, Rel)
      C0                  End Collection
      C0                End Collection
      05 01             Usage Page (Generic Desktop Controls)
      09 80             Usage (System Control)
      A1 01             Collection (Application)
      85 02               Report ID (0x02)
      05 01               Usage Page (Generic Desktop Controls)
      15 00               Logical Minimum (0)
      25 01               Logical Maximum (1)
      95 08               Report Count (8)
      75 01               Report Size (1)
      19 81               Usage Minimum (-127)
      29 88               Usage Maximum (-120)
      81 02               Input (Var)
      C0                End Collection
      05 0C             Usage Page (Consumer)
      09 01             Usage (Consumer Control)
      A1 01             Collection (Application)
      85 03               Report ID (0x03)
      95 08               Report Count (8)
      75 01               Report Size (1)
      15 00               Logical Minimum (0)
      25 01               Logical Maximum (1)
      09 E9               Usage (Volume Increment)
      09 EA               Usage (Volume Decrement)
      09 E2               Usage (Mute)
      09 B7               Usage (Stop)
      09 CD               Usage (Play/Pause)
      09 B5               Usage (Scan Next Track)
      09 B6               Usage (Scan Previous Track)
      0A 94 01            Usage (AL Local Machine Browser)
      81 02               Input (Var)
      09 03               Usage (Programmable Buttons)
      A1 02               Collection (Logical)
      05 09                 Usage Page (Buttons)
      19 10                 Usage Minimum (16)
      29 17                 Usage Maximum (23)
      81 02                 Input (Var)
      05 09                 Usage Page (Buttons)
      19 18                 Usage Minimum (24)
      29 1F                 Usage Maximum (31)
      81 02                 Input (Var)
      C0                  End Collection
      05 08               Usage Page (LEDs)
      95 02               Report Count (2)
      09 09               Usage (Mute)
      09 21               Usage (Microphone)
      91 02               Output (Var)
      95 01               Report Count (1)
      75 06               Report Size (6)
      91 03               Output (Const, Var)
      C0                End Collection
      06 01 FF          Usage Page (unk)
      09 01             Usage (0x01)
      A1 01             Collection (Application)
      85 04               Report ID (0x04)
      95 01               Report Count (1)
      75 08               Report Size (8)
      15 00               Logical Minimum (0)
      26 FF 00            Logical Maximum (255)
      09 20               Usage (0x20)
      B1 03               Feature (Const, Var)
      09 21               Usage (0x21)
      B1 03               Feature (Const, Var)
      09 22               Usage (0x22)
      B1 03               Feature (Const, Var)
      09 23               Usage (0x23)
      B1 03               Feature (Const, Var)
      C0                End Collection
    Data (HexDump)           : 05 01 09 02 A1 01 85 01 09 01 A1 00 05 09 19 01 
                               29 03 15 00 25 01 95 03 75 01 81 02 95 01 75 05 
                               81 01 05 01 09 30 09 31 15 81 25 7F 95 02 75 08 
                               81 06 C0 C0 05 01 09 80 A1 01 85 02 05 01 15 00 
                               25 01 95 08 75 01 19 81 29 88 81 02 C0 05 0C 09 
                               01 A1 01 85 03 95 08 75 01 15 00 25 01 09 E9 09 
                               EA 09 E2 09 B7 09 CD 09 B5 09 B6 0A 94 01 81 02 
                               09 03 A1 02 05 09 19 10 29 17 81 02 05 09 19 18 
                               29 1F 81 02 C0 05 08 95 02 09 09 09 21 91 02 95 
                               01 75 06 91 03 C0 06 01 FF 09 01 A1 01 85 04 95 
                               01 75 08 15 00 26 FF 00 09 20 B1 03 09 21 B1 03 
                               09 22 B1 03 09 23 B1 03 C0 
            ----------------- Endpoint Descriptor -----------------
    bLength                  : 0x07 (7 bytes)
    bDescriptorType          : 0x05 (Endpoint Descriptor)
    bEndpointAddress         : 0x82 (Direction=IN  EndpointID=2)
    bmAttributes             : 0x03 (TransferType=Interrupt)
    wMaxPacketSize           : 0x08
    bInterval                : 0x0A (10 ms)
    Data (HexDump)           : 07 05 82 03 08 00 0A 


  • ThinkPadで可能だった、トラックポイントのスクロール機能のTP4table.datによる設定ができないという問題があります。ThinkPad使いなら知ってると思いますが、トラックポイントのスクロールが効かないアプリケーションに出会ったときはTP4table.datに設定を書き足してやる必要があります。ところがUSBキーボードの場合はこのファイルがないのです。ドライバが別物だからなようですが、調べてみても代替となる手段は見当たりませんでした。結局Visual Studio 2010ではソースコードのスクロールができず、ホイールマウスと併用しています。
