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Association for Computing Machinery
- http://portal.acm.org
- チューリング賞、ゲーデル賞?を授与したりもしてる
Special Interest Group
- SIGACCESS? -Accessibility and Computing
- SIGACT? -Algorithms and Computation Theory
- SIGAda? -Ada Programming Language
- SIGAPL? -APL Programming Language
- SIGAPP? -Applied Computing
- SIGARCH? -Computer Architecture
- SIGART? -Artificial Intelligence
- SIGBED? -Embedded Systems
- SIGCAS? -Computers and Society
- SIGCHI? -Computer-Human Interaction
- SIGCOMM? -Data Communication
- SIGCSE? -Computer Science Education
- SIGDA? -Design Automation
- SIGDOC? -Design of Communication
- SIGecom? -Electronic Commerce
- SIGEVO? -Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
- SIGGRAPH -Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
- SIGIR? -Information Retrieval
- SIGITE? -Information Technology Education
- SIGKDD? -Knowledge Discovery in Data
- SIGMETRICS? -Measurement and Evaluation
- SIGMICRO? -Microarchitecture
- SIGMIS? -Management Information Systems
- SIGMM? -Multimedia
- SIGMOBILE? -Mobility of Systems, Users, Data and Computing
- SIGMOD -Management of Data
- SIGOPS? -Operating Systems
- SIGPLAN? -Programming Languages
- SIGSAC? -Security, Audit and Control
- SIGSAM? -Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation
- SIGSIM? -Simulation and Modeling
- SIGSOFT? -Software Engineering
- SIGUCCS? -University and College Computing Services
- SIGWEB? -Hypertext, Hypermedia and Web
- A-MOST? - Workshop on Advances in Model-Based Testing
- ACM Policy? - ACM Policy
- ACM-SE? - ACM Southeast Regional Conference
- ACM/CSC-ER? - ACM Annual Conference/Annual Meeting
- AFRIGRAPH? - Computer graphics, virtual reality, visualisation and interaction in Africa
- AGENTS? - International Conference on Autonomous Agents
- AICPS? - ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
- ANCS? - Symposium On Architecture For Networking And Communications Systems
- ANNA? - Analysis of Neural Net Applications Conference
- ANSS? - Annual Simulation Symposium
- AOSD? - Aspect-oriented software development
- APL? - International Conference on APL
- ASE? - Automated Software Engineering
- ASPDAC? - with EDA Technofair Design Automation Conference Asia and South Pacific
- ASPLOS? - Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
- ASSETS? - ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Assistive Technologies
- C&C? - Creativity and Cognition
- CASES? - International Conference on Compilers, Architecture and Synthesis for Embedded Systems
- CAW? - Computer Architecture Workshop
- CC - Critical Computing
- CCS - Conference on Computer and Communications Security
- CCSC? - Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges
- CCU? - Contemporary Computing in Ukraine
- CF - Conference On Computing Frontiers
- CFP - Computers, Freedom and Privacy
- CGO? - Code Generation and Optimization
- CHI - Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
- CHIMIT? - Computer Human Interaction for the Management of Information Technology
- CIKM? - Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
- CIVR? - Conference On Image And Video Retrieval
- CODES+ISSS? - International Conference on Hardware Software Codesign
- COLT? - Annual Workshop on Computational Learning Theory
- COMM? - Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communication
- CPR? - Special Interest Group on Computer Personnel Research Annual Conference
- CQL? - Symposium on Computers and the Quality of Life
- CSC - ACM Annual Computer Science Conference
- CSCW - Computer Supported Cooperative Work
- CUU? - ACM Conference on Universal Usability
- CVE - Collaborative Virtual Environments
- CoNEXT? - International Conference On Emerging Networking Experiments And Technologies
- DAC - Annual ACM IEEE Design Automation Conference
- DARE? - Designing Augmented Reality Environments
- DATE? - Design, Automation, and Test in Europe
- DEBS? - Distributed event-based systems
- DIAL M? - Workshop on Discrete Algothrithms and Methods for MOBILE Computing and Communications
- DIM? - Workshop On Digital Identity Management
- DIS? - Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems
- DL? - International Conference on Digital Libraries
- DLS? - Dynamic Languages Symposium
- DMKD? - Data Mining And Knowledge Discovery
- DOLAP? - Data Warehousing and OLAP
- DPDS? - International Symposium on Databases for Parallel and Distributed Systems
- DPPI? - Designing Pleasurable Products And Interfaces
- DRM - ACM Workshop On Digital Rights Management
- DUX? - Designing For User Experiences
- DaMoN? - Data Management On New Hardware
- DocEng? - Document Engineering
- Dynamo? - Workshop on Dynamic and Adaptive Compilation and Optimization
- EC? - Electronic Commerce
- ECA? - Ethics in the Computer Age
- ECLIPSE? - OOPSLA workshop on eclipse technology eXchange
- EDTC? - European Design and Test Conference
- EMSOFT? - International Conference On Embedded Software
- ERLANG? - Annual ERLANG Workshop
- ETRA? - Eye Tracking Research & Application
- EW? - ACM SIGOPS European Workshop
- EmNets? - Workshop on Embedded Networked Sensors
- EuroDAC? - European Design Automation Conference
- EuroSys? - European Conference on Computer Systems
- ExpCS? - Workshop On Experimental Computer Science
- FMSE? - Workshop on Formal Methods in Security Engineering
- FMSP? - Formal Methods in Software Practice
- FOIS? - Formal Ontology in Information Systems
- FPCA? - Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture
- FPGA - International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays
- GECCO? - Genetic And Evolutionary Computation Conference
- GIR? - Workshop On Geographic Information Retrieval
- GIS - Geographic Information Systems
- GLVLSI? - Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI
- GPCE? - Generative Programming And Component Engineering
- GRAPHITE? - Computer graphics and interactive techniques in Australasia and South East Asia
- GROUP? - Conference on Supporting Group Work
- HMI - History of Medical Informatics
- HOPL? - History of Programming Languages
- HPDC? - High Performance Distributed Computing
- HPW? - History of Personal Workstations
- HRI? - ACM SIGCHI/SIGART Human-Robot Interaction
- HSNC? - History of Scientific and Numeric Computation
- HT - Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia
- HWWS? - SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS Conference On Graphics Hardware
- Haskell - Haskell
- Hypercube? - Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications
- I3D? - Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics
- ICAIL? - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law
- ICCAD? - International Conference on Computer Aided Design
- ICE - International Conference on Information and Computation Economies
- ICER? - International Computing Education Research Workshop
- ICFP? - International Conference on Functional Programming
- ICIS? - International Conference on Information Systems
- ICMI? - International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces
- ICS - International Conference on Supercomputing
- ICSE - International Conference on Software Engineering
- ICSOC? - International Conference On Service Oriented Computing
- IDC? - Interaction Design And Children
- IEA/AEI? - International conference on Industrial and engineering applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems
- IHIS? - Interoperability Of Heterogeneous Information Systems
- IMC? - Internet Measurement Conference
- IOPADS? - Workshop on I/O in Parallel and Distributed Systems
- IPSN? - Information Processing In Sensor Networks
- IQIS? - Information Quality in Informational Systems
- IRAL? - International Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asia Languages
- IRP2PN? - Information Retrieval In Peer-To-Peer Networks
- IRTAW? - International Workshop on Real-time Ada Issues
- ISCA - International Symposium on Computer Architecture
- ISESE? - International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering
- ISLPED? - International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design
- ISMIS? - International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems
- ISMM? - International Symposium on Memory Management
- ISPD? - International Symposium on Physical Design
- ISPW? - International Software Process Workshop
- ISSAC? - International Conference on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
- ISSS? - International Symposium on Systems Synthesis
- ISSTA? - International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
- ISW? - International Symposium on Wikis
- ITiCSE? - Annual Joint Conference Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education
- IUI? - International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
- IVME? - Interpreters, Virtual Machines And Emulators
- IWCMC? - International Conference On Communications And Mobile Computing
- IWSSD? - International Workshop on Software Specifications & Design
- InfoSecCD? - Information security curriculum development
- JAVA? - Java Grande Conference
- KCAP? - International Conference On Knowledge Capture
- KDD? - Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Data
- LCTES? - Language, Compiler and Tool Support for Embedded Systems
- LFP? - Conference on LISP and Functional Programming
- MDM? - International Conference On Mobile Data Management
- MEDEA? - Memory Performance]] - Dealing With Applications, Systems And Architecture
- MICRO? - International Symposium on Microarchitecture
- MM? - International Multimedia Conference
- MMDB? - ACM International Workshop On Multimedia Databases
- MSP? - Memory System Performance
- MSWiM? - International Workshop on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems
- MVL? - Multiple-Valued Logic
- Middleware? - Middleware Conference
- MobiArch? - Mobility In The Evolving Internet Architecture
- MobiCom? - International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking
- MobiDE? - International Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access
- MobiHoc? - International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking & Computing
- MobiSys? - International Conference On Mobile Systems, Applications And Services
- NOSSDAV? - International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video
- NPAR? - Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering
- NPIVM? - New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation
- NSPW? - New Security Paradigms Workshop
- NetGames? - Network and System Support for Games
- OODS? - International Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems
- OOPSLA? - Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications
- PADS? - Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation
- PASCO - International Symposium on Parallel Symbolic Computation
- PASTE? - Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering
- PDC - Participatory Design
- PEPM? - ACM/SIGPLAN Workshop Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation
- PLDI? - Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
- PODC? - Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
- PODS? - Symposium on Principles of Database Systems
- POMC? - ACM Workshop On Principles Of Mobile Computing
- POPL? - Annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
- PPDP? - International Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming
- PPEALS? - Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
- PPoPP? - Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
- PRS? - Parallel Rendering Symposium
- PVG? - Parallel and large-data visualization and graphics
- RBAC? - ACM Workshop on Role Based Access Control
- RECOMB? - Annual Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology
- RKRAS? - Research In Knowledge Representation For Autonomous Systems
- RULE? - Workshop On Rule-Based Programming
- RecSys? - ACM Conference On Recommender Systems
- SAC? - Symposium on Applied Computing
- SACMAT? - Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies
- SASN? - Workshop on Security of ad hoc and Sensor Networks
- SC - Conference on High Performance Networking and Computing
- SCA - Symposium on Computer Animation
- SCC? - Symposium on Compiler Construction
- SCCG? - Spring Conference on Computer Graphics
- SCG? - Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry
- SCM - Software Configuration Management Workshop
- SCN? - Simulation of Computer Networks
- SENSYS? - Conference On Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
- SESPSDE? - Software Engineering Symposium on Practical Software Development Environments
- SETA? - Symposium on Environments and Tools for Ada
- SICOSIM? - Sigcosim Symposium
- SIGAda? - Annual International Conference on Ada
- SIGCSE? - Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
- SIGDOC? - ACM Special Interest Group for Design of Communication
- SIGGRAPH - International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
- SIGIR? - Annual ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
- SIGITE? - Conference On Information Technology Education (formerly CITC)
- SIGMETRICS? - Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems
- SIGMOD - International Conference on Management of Data
- SIGSMALL/PC? - Symposium on Small Systems
- SIGSOFT? - Foundations of Software Engineering
- SIGUCCS? - User Services Conference
- SLIP? - International Workshop on System-Level Interconnect Prediction
- SLIPE? - Symposium on Language Issues in Programming Environments
- SODA - Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
- SOSP? - ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
- SPAA? - ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures
- SPDT? - Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Tools
- SPM? - ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling
- SSR - Symposium on Software Reusability
- SSS? - Workshop On Storage Security And Survivability
- STOC? - Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing
- SV? - Software Visualization
- SVR? - SIGGRAPH Video Review
- SWS? - Workshop On Secure Web Services
- SYMSAC? - Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation
- TAPIA? - Richard Tapia Celebration Of Diversity In Computing
- TARK? - Theoretical Aspects Of Rationality And Knowledge
- TAU? - Timing Issues In The Specification And Synthesis Of Digital Systems
- TDES? - Trends and Direction in Expert Systems
- TEI? - Tangible and embedded interaction
- TLDI? - Types In Languages Design And Implementation
- UIST - Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
- VAST? - Virtual reality, archeology, and cultural heritage
- VEE? - ACM/Usenix International Conference On Virtual Execution Environments
- VIS? - IEEE Visualization
- VRML - Virtual Reality Modeling Language Symposium
- VRST? - Virtual Reality Software and Technology
- VTDC? - Virtualization Technology in Distributed Computing
- VolVis? - Symposium on Volume Visualization
- WACC? - International Conference on Work activities Coordination and Collaboration
- WADAS? - Washington Ada Symposium
- WCAE? - Workshop On Computer Architecture Education
- WI? - Web Intelligence
- WIDM? - Workshop On Web Information And Data Management
- WMASH? - Wireless Mobile Applications And Services On WLAN Hotspots
- WMC? - International Workshop on Mobile Commerce
- WMI - Wireless Mobile Internet
- WORM? - Workshop on Rapid Malcode
- WOSP? - Workshop on Software and Performance
- WOSS? - Workshop on Self-healing systems
- WPDD? - Workshop on Parallel & Distributed Debugging
- WPES? - Workshop On Privacy In The Electronic Society
- WSC? - Winter Simulation Conference
- WSNA? - International Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications
- WUAUC? - Workshop on Universal Accessibility of Ubiquitous Computing
- WWW - International World Wide Web Conference
- Web3D - 3D technologies for the World Wide Web
- WiSe? - Workshop on Wireless Security
- WoWMoM? - International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Multimedia
- XMLSEC? - Workshop On XML Security