最終更新:2025-01-10 (金) 18:07:01 (28d)
Arduino IDE
- Arduino Library Manager?
- ArduinoJson
- WiFiManager
- FastLED
- IRremote
- Blinker
- Blynk
- PubSubClient (Arduino Client for MQTT?)
- Adafruit NeoPixel Library
- IRremoteESP8266
- MFRC522
- Adafruit GFX Library
- Arduino HID Project
- RF24
- SimpleFOClibrary
- ESP8266Audio
- Watchy
- ThingPulse OLED SSD1306?
- DHT sensor library
- TinyGSM
- Arduino-PID-Library
- rc-switch
- WebSocket Server and Client for Arduino
- Adafruit_SSD1306
- KalmanFilter
- Arduino LoRa
- Elk
- HomeSpan
- Arduino MIDI Library
- RadioLib
- WS2812FX
- Firmata
- Arduino HomeKit ESP8266
- FabGL
- Pico-PIO-USB
- Task Scheduler
- MySensors
- Low-Power
- micro-ecc
- Arduino Time Library
- M5Stack Library
- LovyanGFX
- GUIslice
- NeoPixelBus
- Universal Telegram Bot Library?
- TinyGPSPlus
- ESP32-BLE-Gamepad
- Mozzi
- SdFat
- GPIOViewer?
- GxEPD2
- EtherCard?
- arduino-mqtt
- Arduino OneButton Library?
- ArduinoMenu?
- ArduinoThread?
- AutoConnect for ESP8266/ESP32
- ESP32 BLE for Arduino?
- NimBLE-Arduino
- EspSoftwareSerial?
- Adafruit MQTT Library
- Aduino/Serial
- Aduino/Stream?
- Arduino/EEPROM? - reading and writing to "permanent" storage
- Arduino/Ethernet - for connecting to the internet using the Arduino Ethernet Shield
- Arduino/Firmata? - for communicating with applications on the computer using a standard serial protocol.
- Arduino/LiquidCrystal - for controlling liquid crystal displays (LCDs)
- Arduino/SD? - for reading and writing SD cards
- Arduino/Servo - for controlling servo motors
- Arduino/SPI - for communicating with devices using the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Bus
- Arduino/SoftwareSerial - for serial communication on any digital pins. Version 1.0 and later of Arduino incorporate Mikal Hart's Arduino/NewSoftSerial library as Arduino/SoftwareSerial.
- Arduino/Stepper? - for controlling stepper motors
- Arduino/WiFi? - for connecting to the internet using the Arduino WiFi Shield?
- Arduino/Wire - Two Wire Interface (TWI/I2C) for sending and receiving data over a net of devices or sensors.
Leonardo Only Libraries
- Arduino/Keyboard - Send keystrokes to an attached computer.
- Arduino/Mouse - Control cursor movement on a connected computer.
Contributed Libraries
Communication (networking and protocols):
- Arduino/Messenger? - for processing text-based messages from the computer
- Arduino/NewSoftSerial - an improved version of the SoftwareSerial library
- Arduino/OneWire? - control devices (from Dallas Semiconductor) that use the One Wire protocol.
- Arduino/PS2Keyboard? - read characters from a PS2 keyboard.
- Arduino/Simple? Message System - send messages between Arduino and the computer
- Arduino/SSerial2Mobile? - send text messages or emails using a cell phone (via AT commands over software serial)
- Arduino/Webduino? - extensible web server library (for use with the Arduino Ethernet Shield)
- Arduino/X10? - Sending X10? signals over AC power lines
- Arduino/XBee? - for communicating with XBees in API mode
- Arduino/SerialControl? - Remote control other Arduinos over a serial connection
- Arduino/Capacitive? Sensing - turn two or more pins into capacitive sensors
- Arduino/Debounce? - for reading noisy digital inputs (e.g. from buttons)
Displays and LEDs:
- Arduino/Improved LCD library? fixes LCD initialization bugs in official Arduino LCD library
- Arduino/GLCD - graphics routines for LCD based on the KS0108 or equivalent chipset.
- Arduino/LedControl? - for controlling LED matrices or seven-segment displays with a MAX7221 or MAX7219.
- Arduino/LedControl? - an alternative to the Matrix library for driving multiple LEDs with Maxim chips.
- Arduino/LedDisplay? - control of a HCMS-29xx scrolling LED display.
Frequency Generation and Audio:
- Arduino/Tone? - generate audio frequency square waves in the background on any microcontroller pin
Motors and PWM:
- Arduino/DateTime? - a library for keeping track of the current date and time in software.
- Arduino/Metro? - help you time actions at regular intervals
- Arduino/MsTimer2? - uses the timer 2 interrupt to trigger an action every N milliseconds.