最終更新:2023-02-28 (火) 09:08:00 (686d)
- LMP supports requests for the version of the LM protocol.
- Version specifies the version of the Bluetooth LMP specification that the device supports.
- All companies that create a unique implementation of the LM shall have their own Company_Identifier.
- The same company is also responsible for the administration and maintenance of the Subversion.
- It is recommended that each company has a unique Subversion for each RF/BB/LM implementation.
- For a given Version and Company_Identifier, the values of the Subversion shall increase each time a new implementation is released.
- For both Company_Identifier and Subversion the value 0xFFFF means that no valid number applies.
- There is no ability to negotiate the version of the LMP.
- LMP version can be requested at anytime following a successful Baseband Paging procedure.
- A given value for Version does not indicate that the device supports all the features in the corresponding version of the specification; the relevant feature bits (see Section 4.3.4) should be checked instead.
LMP 0? Bluetooth 1.0B (使用中止) LMP 1? Bluetooth 1.1 (使用中止) LMP 2? Bluetooth 1.2 (使用中止) LMP 3? Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR (使用中止) LMP 4? Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR (非推奨、使用中止予定) LMP 5? Bluetooth 3.0 + HS (非推奨、使用中止予定) LMP 6? Bluetooth 4.0 LMP 7? Bluetooth 4.1 LMP 8 Bluetooth 4.2 LMP 9? Bluetooth 5.0 LMP 10? Bluetooth 5.1 LMP 11 Bluetooth 5.2