最終更新:2014-06-16 (月) 09:58:06 (3898d)  

Top / MCHPFSUSB Framework




MCHPFSUSB Frameworkを利用すると、以下のようなUSB装置を簡単に作成することができます。

  • CDC装置
  • HID装置
  • Mass Storage?装置

MCHPFSUSB is a distribution package containing a variety of USB related PIC18F, PIC24F, PIC32 firmware projects, along with other USB related drivers and resources intended for use on the PC. All release notes are included in the .zip file bundle. Among the new features included are Printer host support, CDC host support and MSD internal flash demo, and OTG support. This release integrates the graphics stack, and includes several new demos, including the Printer/Barcode Scanner video project.



USB/DeviceAudio - Microphone
USB/DeviceAudio - MIDI
USB/DeviceAudio - Speaker
USB/DeviceCCID? - Smart Card Reader
USB/DeviceCDC - Basic Demo
USB/DeviceCDC - Serial Emulator
USB/DeviceComposite - HID + MSD
USB/DeviceComposite - MSD + CDC
USB/DeviceComposite - WinUSB + MSD
USB/DeviceHID - Custom Demos
USB/DeviceHID - Digitizers
USB/DeviceHID - Joystick
USB/DeviceHID - Keyboard
USB/DeviceHID - Mouse
USB/DeviceHID - Uninterruptible Power Supply
USB/Devicelibusb - Generic Driver Demo
USB/DeviceMass Storage - Internal Flash
USB/DeviceMass Storage - SD Card data logger
USB/DeviceMass Storage - SD Card reader
USB/DeviceMCHPUSB - Generic Driver Demo
USB/DevicePHDC - Blood Pressure Monitor
USB/DevicePHDC - Glucose Meter
USB/DevicePHDC - Thermometer
USB/DevicePHDC - Weighing Scale
USB/DeviceWinUSB - Generic Driver Demo
USB/DeviceWinUSB - High Bandwidth Demo
USB/Dual RoleMSD host + HID device
USB/HostAudio - MIDI
USB/HostCDC - Serial Demo
USB/HostCharger - Simple Charger
USB/HostComposite - HID + MSD
USB/HostComposite - MSD + CDC
USB/HostHID - Keyboard
USB/HostHID - Mouse
USB/HostMass Storage - Simple Demo
USB/HostMass Storage - Thumb Drive Data Logger
USB/HostMCHPUSB - Generic Driver Demo
USB/HostPrinter - Print Screen Demo
USB/HostPrinter - Simple Full Sheet Demo
USB/HostPrinter - Simple POS Demo
USB/Low Pin Count Development Board
USB/OTGMCHPUSB - Generic Driver Demo

