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Core Bluetooth
Top / Core Bluetooth
Communicate with Bluetooth low energy and BR/EDR (“Classic”) Devices.
- もともとはBLEを抽象化したもの
- iOS 13 (2019)からBluetooth Classicをカバーできるように拡張
- 2019以降: Communicate with Bluetooth low energy and BR/EDR (“Classic”) Devices.
- 2019頃まで: Communicate with Bluetooth 4.0 low-energy devices.
iOS 13での拡張 (2019)
- https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/901
- LE 2M PHY (Bluetooth 5.0)
- アドバタイズ拡張
- BR/EDRに対応
- Dual-Mode
- プライバシー
- PacketLoggerに機能追加
WWDC 2012?
Core Bluetooth/開発
Core Bluetooth/ドキュメント
- An object that scans for, discovers, connects to, and manages peripherals.
- A remote device connected to a local app, which is acting as a peripheral.
- A remote peripheral device.
- An object that manages and advertises peripheral services exposed by this app.
Core Bluetooth/セントラル
CBCentral? A remote device connected to a local app, which is acting as a peripheral. CBCentralManager An object that scans for, discovers, connects to, and manages peripherals. CBCentralManagerDelegate A protocol that provides updates for the discovery and management of peripheral devices.
Core Bluetooth/ペリフェラル
CBPeripheral A remote peripheral device. CBPeripheralDelegate A protocol that provides updates on the use of a peripheral’s services. CBPeripheralManager An object that manages and advertises peripheral services exposed by this app. CBPeripheralManagerDelegate? A protocol that provides updates for local peripheral state and interactions with remote central devices. CBAttribute A representation of common aspects of services offered by a peripheral. CBAttributePermissions? Values that represent the read, write, and encryption permissions for a characteristic’s value.
CBService A collection of data and associated behaviors that accomplish a function or feature of a device. CBMutableService A service with writeable property values. CBCharacteristic A characteristic of a remote peripheral’s service. CBMutableCharacteristic A characteristic of a local peripheral’s service. CBDescriptor An object that provides further information about a remote peripheral’s characteristic. CBMutableDescriptor? An object that provides additional information about a local peripheral’s characteristic.