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Wikibooks/Computing/Computer programming
Top / Wikibooks / Computing / Computer programming


Completed books

  • Creating a Simple 3D Game with XNA
  • Lua programming
  • Web Application Security Guide
  • A Little C Primer
  • Active Server Pages?
  • Ada Programming
  • Ada Style Guide
  • Apache Ant
  • Bourne Shell? Scripting
  • C Programming - C言語
  • C Sharp Programming - C♯
  • Data Mining Algorithms In R
  • F Sharp Programming - F♯
  • Fortran 77 Tutorial
  • Introduction to .NET Framework 3.0
  • LaTeX
  • Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python 2.6
  • Structured Query Language - SQL
  • Tcl Programming
  • Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours
  • x86 Disassembly
  • XML - Managing Data Exchange

Books nearing completion

  • Parallel Spectral Numerical Methods
  • PlanoTse? Handbook for Job Search Automation
  • A Beginner's Python Tutorial
  • An Awk? Primer
  • BlitzMax?
  • Cascading Style Sheets
  • Haskell
  • Introduction to newLISP
  • Java Programming
  • Java Web Application Development With Click Framework
  • K3D? JavaScript Canvas Library
  • More C++ Idioms
  • Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python 3
  • Optimizing C++
  • Optimizing Code for Speed
  • PHP Programming
  • Programming Mac OS X with Cocoa for Beginners
  • Python Programming
  • Pywikibot
  • REBOL Programming
  • SQL Dialects Reference
  • The Sway Reference Manual
  • Think Python
  • Visual Basic
  • XForms?

Half-finished books

  • ACE+TAO Opensource Programming Notes
  • Efficient Prime Number Generating Algorithms
  • Game Maker Programming
  • Parrot Virtual Machine?
  • The Science of Programming
  • Windows Programming

Partly developed books

  • Alcor6L
  • Autodesk Vault Programmer's Cookbook
  • Coding Cookbook
  • Coding Divert Sockets
  • Computer Go
  • Computer Programming
  • Create Your Own Sim Games
  • GNU C Compiler Internals
  • Message-Passing Interface
  • Programming for Palm OS
  • ROBLOX Game Development
  • SuperCard? Programming
  • X Window Programming
  • 360 Assembly
  • 6502 Assembly
  • 68000 Assembly
  • A Beginner's Guide to D
  • An Introduction to Python For Undergraduate Engineers
  • ANSI C with Unix
  • AnyLang? Programming Language Comparison
  • AppleScript Programming
  • AWK
  • Biostatistics with R
  • Blades of Avernum Script Reference
  • Blender 3D: Blending Into Python
  • C Sharp for Beginners
  • C Shell Scripting
  • C++ Programming As A Set Of Problems
  • Canvas 2D Web Apps
  • CDuce
  • Cg Programming
  • Choose Your Own Pyventure
  • Cocoa Programming
  • ColdFusion Programming
  • CORBA Programming
  • Curl?
  • Delphi Programming
  • Distributed Systems
  • Entry Level PHP Web Application Development
  • Erlang Programming
  • Forth
  • Fortran
  • Futurebasic
  • Gambas
  • GLSL Programming
  • GTK+ By Example
  • How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 2nd Edition
  • How to Write a Program
  • IIS and FastCGI
  • J2ME Programming
  • Java JDBC using SQLite
  • Java Swings?
  • Learning Clojure
  • Lisp Programming
  • Mathematica
  • Mathematics with Python and Ruby
  • MIPS Assembly
  • MIRC Scripting
  • Modeling from A to Z
  • Objective-C Programming
  • OpenSCAD User Manual
  • Oracle Programming
  • Pascal Programming
  • PBASIC Programming
  • PHP and MySQL Programming
  • Pixilang
  • PostScript FAQ
  • Programming Mac OS X with Cocoa for Beginners 2nd Edition
  • Programming with Gtk2-Perl
  • Programming with Moose
  • Prolog
  • PyGTK For GUI Programming
  • QBasic
  • R Programming
  • Regular Expressions
  • Scratch
  • Software Development with Continuous Integration
  • SPARC Assembly
  • Standard ML Programming
  • TI 83 Plus Assembly
  • TI-Basic 84 Programming
  • TI-Basic 89 Programming
  • Turing
  • VisSim?
  • Visual Basic .NET
  • WebObjects?
  • XSLTForms

Freshly started books

  • Annotations of The Art of Computer Programming Volume 1
  • Bare-metal Raspberry Pi Programming
  • Competitive Programming
  • Computer Programming Principles
  • Creating a simple 3D game engine in XNA
  • Demo Coding
  • Doom Modding
  • Ffdshow
  • GNU Autoconf
  • GNU Data Language
  • Go From Scratch
  • Introduction to 2D Linux Game Programming
  • Introduction To Programming
  • Introspector
  • Learning C by Example
  • Mercury Programming
  • Programming HP Calculators
  • PSP
  • Q3Map2
  • Scribunto: An Introduction
  • Scriptol
  • Smalltalk the fun way
  • The Performance Guide
  • Theos Tutorials for iOS
  • Torque2d
  • Valgrind
  • .NET Development Foundation
  • Allegro Programming
  • Amiblitz
  • Android
  • Apache Portable Runtime
  • APE Users Guide
  • Application Development with Harbour
  • Asymptote
  • ATS: Programming with Theorem-Proving
  • AvernumScript?
  • Bash Shell Scripting
  • Beginning C
  • Brlcad
  • Business Basic
  • Carbon Programming
  • Collection of Computer Programs on Project Euler
  • Common JavaScript Manual
  • Component Based Development
  • Concurrent Clean
  • ConTeXt?
  • D (The Programming Language)
  • D Programming
  • DirectX
  • DXFortran
  • Eclipse
  • Eiffel Programming
  • FLTK
  • FORA
  • Fortran 2003
  • FPI Script
  • Fundamentals of C Programming
  • Game Creation with the Unity Game Engine
  • GCC Debugging
  • Go Programming
  • Go Programming Language Cookbook
  • GUI Design Principles
  • Harvard Chart Method
  • How to Use Rhino Mocks
  • How to Write a Compiler
  • Icon Programming
  • Intro To C++
  • Introduction to BASIC
  • Irony - Language Implementation Kit
  • J2EE Programming
  • Lambda Calculus
  • Learning D With Project Euler
  • Let Us GCC
  • Linoleum
  • Logo Programming
  • Lua Functional Programming
  • Lua in SpringRTS
  • Lua Programming
  • Lush
  • Memory Management
  • Monkey
  • MUMPS Programming
  • NetBeans
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Objective-J
  • OCaml
  • Oz Programming
  • Parallel Computing and Computer Clusters
  • PHP vs ColdFusion
  • Plug-in Development for Google Desktop
  • Polymorphic Data Structures in C
  • PowerPC Assembly
  • Programming Ajax
  • Programming Languages
  • Programming with ooc
  • PyKDE? Programming
  • Python Beginner to Expert
  • Qt
  • Rails 3
  • REALbasic?
  • Rexx Programming
  • Ruby By Examples
  • Ruby Hacking Guide
  • Saylor.org's C++ Programming
  • Scala
  • Script Languages Synopsis
  • Shell Programming
  • Smalltalk Programming
  • SQL\400
  • TeX
  • TI-Basic Programs
  • Understanding C++
  • Using the 3D Connexion SDK
  • Vala Programming
  • VBA For Business
  • Web Programming in Visual Basic .NET
  • wxWidgets
  • XBasic?
  • XBLite?
  • XML Schema
  • XProc?
  • Z80 Assembly

Unknown completion

  • Bug Free Programming
  • Clipper Tutorial: a Guide to Open Source Clipper(s)
  • Core War
  • Java Logging
  • Programming for the consultant
  • Python and Math
  • Ruby Code Examples
  • The Pyrogenesis Engine
  • MBS?
  • PWCT?
  • SDL (Simple DirectMedia? Layer)
  • Windows Batch Scripting
  • XPath