最終更新:2011-04-08 (金) 20:48:37 (5053d)
Google Summer of Code 2007
Top / Google Summer of Code 2007
Participating Mentoring Organizations
- AbiSource
- Adium
- The Apache Software Foundation
- Aqsis? Team
- Ardour
- ArgoUML?
- Audacious Media Player
- Bazaar
- BBC Research?
- Beagle?
- Blender Foundation?
- Boost C++
- BZFlag?
- Center for the Study of Complex Systems, Univ. of Michigan?
- CLAM? (at Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
- The Codehaus
- Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility?
- Coppermine Photo Gallery?
- coresystems GmbH?
- Creative Commons
- Crystal Space?
- Daisy CMS?
- Debian
- Detached Solutions?
- Django
- Dojo Foundation
- Drupal
- DSpace
- The Eclipse Foundation
- The Electronic Frontier Foundation? (EFF)
- Etherboot Project
- eXist?
- FANN? - The Fast Artificial Neural Network Library
- The Fedora Project & JBoss.org?
- FFmpeg
- Fityk?
- The Free Software Initiative of Japan?
- The FreeBSD Project
- Freenet? Project Inc
- Freevo?
- Gallery?
- The gEDA Project
- Geeklog
- Gentoo
- The GGI? Project
- Git Development Community
- GNU Project
- GnuCash
- GNUstep
- Haiku
- Handhelds.org?
- Haskell.org
- Hugin/PanoTools
- IEM? - Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics, Graz
- ikiwiki?
- Inkscape
- Internet2?
- Jikes RVM?
- Joomla!
- K-3D?
- Lanka? Software Foundation
- Liblime?
- LispNYC?
- LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- MacPorts
- Maemo
- MetaBrainz Foundation Inc.
- Mixxx
- MoinMoin Wiki Project
- Mono Project
- Moodle
- The Mozilla Project
- NESCent? - National Evolutionary Synthesis Center
- The NetBSD Project
- Neuros Technology?
- Nmap Security Scanner
- One Laptop per Child?
- Open Security Foundation? (OSVDB?)
- Open Source Applications Foundation?
- OpenICC
- Openmoko Inc.
- OpenMRS?
- OpenOffice.org
- OpenSolaris
- Oregon State University Open Source Lab? (OSU OSL?)
- OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation?
- Pidgin
- Plan 9 from Bell Labs
- PlanetMath?
- Plone Foundation
- Portland State University?
- PostgreSQL project
- Python Software Foundation
- Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University?
- Rockbox
- Ruby Central
- Samba
- SCons next-generation build system
- Scribus Team
- ScummVM
- SilverStripe CMS & Framework?
- SIP Communicator?
- The Space Telescope Science Institute?
- Sparse
- The Squeak Project
- SquirrelMail?
- Subversion
- Swarm Development Group? (SDG?)
- Swathanthra Malayalam Computing?
- Taste?
- Thousand Parsec?
- Ubuntu
- Umit
- VideoLAN
- Vim
- Wikimedia Foundation
- The Wine Project
- WinLibre?
- WordPress
- wxPython
- wxWidgets
- The X.Org Foundation
- Xiph.Org Foundation
- XMMS2 - X (cross)platform Music Multiplexing System
- XMPP Standards Foundation
- XWiki
- Zope Foundation, Inc