最終更新:2010-12-13 (月) 05:43:24 (5176d)
Windows API List
Top / Windows API List
- Active Directory Domain Services? (Active Directory)
- Active Directory Service Interfaces? (ADSI)
- Application Recovery and Restart?
- Authentication? (認証)
- Authorization (認可?)
- Background Intelligent Transfer Services? (BITS?)
- Backup? (バックアップ)
- Bitmaps? (ビットマップ)
- Bluetooth
- Brushes? (ブラシ)
- Buttons? (ボタン)
- Carets? (キャレット?)
- Certificate Enrollment?
- Clipboard? (クリップボード)
- COM+
- Combo Boxes? (コンボボックス)
- Common Dialog Boxes?
- Consoles? (コンソール)
- Controls? (コントロール)
- Core Audio
- Cryptography? (暗号化)
- Cryptographic Next Generation? (CNG?)
- Cursors? (カーソル)
- Debugging? (デバッグ)
- Desktop Window Manager? (DWM)
- Device Contexts? (デバイスコンテキスト)
- Device Management?
- Dialog Boxes? (ダイアログボックス?)
- Directories? (ディレクトリ)
- Direct2D
- DirectShow
- DirectWrite
- DirectX
- Disk Management?
- Distributed File System? (DFS)
- Distributed Transaction Coordinator? (DTC)
- Domain Name System? (DNS)
- Dynamic Data Exchange? (DDE)
- Dynamic Data Exchange Management? (DDEML?)
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol? (DHCP)
- Dynamic-Link Libraries? (DLLs)
- Edit Controls?
- Enhanced Storage?
- Extensible Authentication Protocol? (EAP)
- Extensible Authentication Protocol Host? (EAPHost?)
- Error Handling?
- Event Logging?
- Event Tracing?
- Failover Clusters?
- Fax Service?
- File Server Resource Manager? (FSRM?)
- Files and I/O?
- Filled Shapes?
- Fonts and Text? (フォントとテキスト)
- Function Discovery?
- Globalization Services?
- Graphics Device Interface? (GDI)
- GDI+
- Group Policy? (グループポリシー)
- Hardware Counter Profiling? (HCP?)
- Header Controls?
- Hooks? (フック)
- HTTP Server?
- Icons? (アイコン)
- Image Mastering API? (IMAPI)
- IP Helper?
- iSCSI Discovery? (iSCSI)
- Kernel Transaction Manager? (KTM?)
- Keyboard Accelerators?
- Keyboard Input? (キーボード)
- Location?
- List Boxes? (リストボックス)
- List-View Controls? (リストビュー?)
- Mailslots?
- Memory Management?
- Menus? (メニュー)
- Message Queuing? (MSMQ?)
- Messages and Message Queues?
- Microsoft Management Console? (MMC) 2.0?
- Microsoft Media Foundation
- Microsoft Open Database Connectivity? (ODBC)
- Mobile Broadband?
- Monitor Configuration?
- Mouse Input? (マウス)
- Multilingual User Interface? (MUI)
- Multiple Display Monitors?
- National Language Support? (NLS?)
- Native Wifi? (無線LAN,Wi-Fi)
- Network Access Protection? (NAP)
- Network Address Translation? (NAT)
- Network Diagnostics Framework? (NDF?)
- Network List Manager? (NLM?)
- Network Management?
- Network Policy Server Extensions? (NPS)
- OpenGL
- Packaging?
- Painting and Drawing?
- Parental Controls? (ペアレンタルコントロール?)
- Peer-to-Peer? (P2S?)
- Performance Counters?
- Performance Logs and Alerts? (PLA)
- Picture Acquisition?
- Pipes? (パイプ)
- Power Management?
- Print Spooler? (プリントスプーラ?)
- Processes? (プロセス)
- Progress Bars? (プログレスバー?)
- Property Sheets? (プロパティシート?)
- Quality of Service? (QOS?)
- Routing and Remote Access Service? (RAS)
- Raw Input
- Registry? (レジストリ)
- Remote Desktop Services? (リモートデスクトップ)
- Remote Differential Compression? (RDC?)
- Restart Manager?
- Rich Edit Controls?
- Scroll Bars? (スクロールバー)
- Sensors? (センサ)
- Services? (サービス)
- Simple Network Management Protocol? (SNMP)
- Software Licensing?
- Static Controls?
- Strings
- Synchronization? (同期?)
- System Event Notification Service? (SENS?)
- System Restore?
- System Shutdown?
- Telephony Application Programming Interfaces? (TAPI?)
- Task Scheduler (タスクスケジューラ)
- Text Services Framework (TSF)
- Threads? (スレッド)
- Time (時間)
- Tool Help?
- Toolbars? (ツールバー?)
- Tooltips? (ツールチップ)
- Trackbars? (トラックバー?)
- Tree-View Controls? (ツリービュー)
- Unicode
- UPnP
- Virtual Disk Service? (VDS?)
- Virtual Hard Disk? (VHD)
- Volume Management?
- Volume Shadow Copy?
- WebDAV
- Window Stations?
- Windows
- Windows Accessibility?
- Windows Animation Manager?
- Windows Color System?
- Windows Connect Now?
- Windows Deployment Services?
- Windows Desktop Sharing?
- Windows Error Reporting? (WER)
- Windows Filtering Platform?
- Windows Firewall?
- Windows Genuine Advantage? (WGA)
- Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP)
- Windows Image Acquisition? (WIA)
- Windows Imaging Component (WIC)
- Windows Installer
- Windows Internet? (WinINet)
- Windows Management Instrumentation? (WMI)
- Windows Media Audio and Video Codec and DSP?
- Windows Media Center?
- Windows Media Format?
- Windows Media Player
- Windows Media Services?
- Windows Multimedia?
- Windows Networking? (WNet?)
- Windows Portable Devices?
- Windows Property System?
- Windows Remote Management? (WinRM?)
- Windows Ribbon?
- Windows RSS Platform
- Windows Search
- Windows Server Backup?
- Windows Shell?
- Windows Sidebar?
- Windows SideShow
- Windows Sockets? (Winsock)
- Windows Touch
- Windows Web Services?